Legal Support

Search for immigration legal services providers by state, county, or detention facility. Only nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services are included in this directory. Click here for the directory!

Locating Someone in ICE Detention
Use this website below to locate a detainee who is currently in ICE custody or who has been in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s custody for more than 48 hours.
If you know the A-number, it is recommended to use it to locate the individual! It should be exactly 9 digits.
Student Legal Support
Students may be eligible for legal support through their university or colleges. If your university is not listed, call student services!
UC Legal Services Appointment:
Make appointment below if:
You are an Undocumented or Immigrant student currently enrolled in the UC system
You are an immediate family member* of any UC student, including students who come from a mixed-status family. *Immediate family members include spouses, parents, siblings, and children.​

Cal State Legal Services Appointment:
Make appointment below if:
You are an Undocumented or Immigrant student currently enrolled in the Cal State system
You are an immediate family member* of any Cal State student, including students who come from a mixed-status family. *Immediate family members include spouses, parents, siblings, and children.
Community College Legal Services Appointment:​
Schedule a FREE appointment below!
Free immigration legal services and case support for students, staff, and faculty on California community college campuses statewide or virtually

Victim of an Immigration Raid or Hate Crime?
If you or someone you know has been the victim of an immigration raid or hate crime, report it!
Call 1-844-878-7801.
Public Charge
The resource below addresses what is categorized as public charge, and other relevant information.
Remember, the public charge test only applies to some programs and some
immigrants; a new president cannot change this.
The resource below is a list of public benefits programs that do NOT trigger public charge and are safe to use. To figure out whether public charge even applies to you, meet with a trusted immigration legal service provider.

Do you need representation?

Do you need representation or want to verify your representation? Verify if your representative is one of the Recognized Organizations and Accredited Representatives. Visit the website below for a full roster by State and City.
Immigration law is complicated, and the wrong information can have lasting consequences. DCBA can help.
Report immigration services fraud by calling (800) 593-8222 or visit the website below.