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Elevating the Voices
of Immigrant &
Undocumented Youth

As an undocumented youth-led grassroots organization, we are deeply committed to creating meaningful change within our community. Our programs address the unique challenges faced by immigrant youth, fostering an environment of growth, healing, and empowerment. From building a supportive community to engaging in civic action, our programs and services nurture, educate, and inspire.

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Share Your Story

 IEIYC is collecting community stories for our timeline and we'd love for you to share and highlight important moments you've had with the IEIYC because YOUR STORY MATTERS!


Our vision is to empower youth through a region focused lens to achieve social equality, dignity, inclusivity, and respect. We can't do it alone. Make a donation to help us fulfill our mission.

With Us

Interested in giving back your time or looking to complete your Dream Act Service Incentive Grant (DSIG) hours?  There are many ways to to get involved.

An Ally

Join us as an ally to advocate for immigrants rights. Become a school educator or business ally to support our causes. Your partnership will make a true impact.



Live Social Updates: Connect With Our Community

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About Us

Founded in 2010, the Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective creates a safe space for immigrant youth to express themselves and achieve their full potential and their identity that intersects with being undocumented. Through grassroots organizing, our mission is to engage youth to gain equal access to higher education and professional development and to seek justice for the immigrant community by empowering those most impacted by unjust policies.

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Considering this large population, immigrants in Riverside (27%) and San Bernardino Counties (26%) lack health insurance compared to immigrants statewide (23%) even before COVID-19.


78% of undocumented students reported being distracted in class because they were dealing with or thinking about an issue related to their immigration status and 70% due to a family member’s immigration status.


36,000 immigrant youth live in the IE - 22% of the population are immigrants living throughout San Bernardino and Riverside Counties


The Facts


Hear From Our Youth

"I feel more confident participating in complex conversations since I was able to share my ideas and most importantly learn from others. I see myself as someone collaborating with the community to offer any kind of support." - UMA Program Participant

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